If you are looking to contact a particular team please find the relevant email address below.

If you are enquiring about joining a team please be aware that some teams will be fully subscribed. We prefer players to play in their age group but they are permitted to play ‘up a year’ – i.e. for the next older age group, but this is at the managers discretion.

We have a number of girls only teams but they can also join a mixed group (all the other teams).

2024/25 Season

Age 5/6 – (School year reception / year 1, born after 1/9/2018)

We run a reception group to introduce young players to the game.

Jon White: receptiondtyfc@gmail.com

Under 7’s (School year 2, born 1/9/2017 to 31/8/2018)

Magpies u7’s

Karl Bacon: karljbacon@gmail.com

Raiders u7’s

Ryan Freeman: twolizards@yahoo.co.uk

Stars u7’s

Darren Boucher: darrenboucher@live.co.uk

Under 8’s (School year 3, born 1/9/2016 to 31/8/2017)

Magpies u8’s 

Dan King: dan.emma.king@outlook.com

Raiders u8’s

Chris Burling : topperburling@gmail.com

Stars u8’s 

Llywelyn Reed: llywelyn.reed@gmail.com

Under 9’s (School year 4, born 1/9/2015 to 31/8/2016)

Magpies u9’s 

Charlie Mentern : charlie.mentern1992@outlook.com

Darren Bishop : darren.bishop2127@gmail.com

Raiders u9’s

Kai Hawker : kaihawker@gmail.com

Dynamos u9’s

Tom Parkes : tparkes1989@gmail.com 

Stars u9’s

Michelle Upshall : maupshall@gmail.com 

Under 10’s (School year 5, born 1/9/2014 to 31/8/2015)

Girls u10’s

Billie Jo: Billie-jo94@hotmail.co.uk

Magpies u10’s 

Matt Membury : mattmembury@hotmail.co.uk

Raiders u10’s

Alan Scard : alanscard76@sky.com

Panthers u10’s

Matt Beaven : dtyfc.football@gmail.com

Under 11’s (School year 6, born 1/9/2013 to 31/8/2014)

Raiders u11’s

Tim Coulson : timcoulson77@outlook.com

Stars u11’s 

Michael Gravelle : mgravelle7649@gmail.com

Magpies u11’s

Gavin Read : bluesread@yahoo.co.uk

Under 12’s (School year 7, born 1/9/2012 to 31/8/2013)

Girls u12’s

Chris Denis: chris211093@hotmail.co.uk

Panthers u12’s

James Lock: lockstock40@googlemail.com

Stars u12’s

Jorge Diaz : jbdiaz2004@gmail.com

Raiders u12’s 

James Male : rockadin@live.co.uk

Magpies u12’s 

Chris Dennis : chris211093@hotmail.co.uk

Under 13’s (School year 8, born 1/9/2011 to 31/8/2012)

Stars u13’s

Luke Barnett: luke.barnett@mail.com

Magpies u13’s

Keith Legg : kllegg@btinternet.com

Raiders u13’s

Matt Payne : mattpayne160389@gmail.com

Dynamos u13’s

Luke Hiller : lukehillier19@gmail.com

Under 14’s (School year 9, born 1/9/2010 to 31/8/2011)

Magpies u14’s Girls 

Keith Legg : kllegg@btinternet.com

Magpies u14’s

Dave Crane : vwcrane1@hotmail.co.uk

Raiders u14’s 

Simon Davey : simondavey1986@gmail.com

Dynamos u14’s

Ash James : ashley@manorparkflooring.co.uk

Under 15’s (School year 10, born 1/9/2009 to 31/8/2010)

Swifts u15’s

Lara Eveleigh: eveleighswifts@gmail.com

Raiders u15’s 

Martin Rawlings : mart0913@hotmail.com

Dynamos u15’s

Mark Challinor : dtfc.dynamos@gmail.com

Under 16’s (School year 11, born 1/9/2008 to 31/8/2009)

Magpies u16’s Girls 

Sandy Gill : sandylard123@gmail.com

Magpies u16’s 

Sue Legg : suelegg70@gmail.com

Stars u16’s

Dan Andrews : dan@minterngroup.com